COVID-19 Protocols


CrossFit Recourse Reopening Plans & Protocols


Facility, Equipment, Personal Cleaning & Sanitizing Measures

  • Floors, bathrooms, and other common areas will be cleaned and disinfected nightly and throughout the day as needed.
  • Members will disinfect their hands when arriving and leaving the facility, as well as after using the restroom.
  • Members will be responsible for wiping down all equipment and floor space used after each class (supplies will be provided).
  • Staff will wipe down common areas between classes and hotspots between classes (bathroom counters, door knobs, water fill station, etc.)
  • Shared equipment will be kept to a minimum and eliminated totally in some cases.
  • Overhead doors will be kept open at all times possible to maximize ventilation and allow for entrance and exit of the facility without touching any surfaces.

Reduced Capacity & Social Distancing

  • Class size will be limited to 10 members to begin with, allowing for 400+ sq. Ft. Per person in the gym area.
  • Class times have been adjusted to allow time between classes for cleaning and minimize overlap between classes.
  • Registration will be required for all classes and open gym times. Individuals will not be permitted into class if they have not registered or are on the waitlist.
  • Members and coaches will maintain 6’ distancing from one another at all times.
  • Members will not be permitted to gather in common areas before/after classes.
  • All personal items will be removed from the gym until further notice (shoes, jump ropes, belts, grips, etc.)
  • Showers will be closed until further notice.
  • Children will not be permitted in the lounge area until further notice.
  • Water fill station will remain operational, but members should arrive with water and only use if necessary.

Health Guidelines for Members & Staff

  • Any individuals experiencing symptoms will not be permitted in the facility.
  • If traveling out of the country, to a domestic hot spot, or having known exposure to someone testing positive for COVID-19 individuals will need to stay out the facility for a 2-week period without displaying symptoms.
  • Any individual testing positive for COVID-19 will notify gym staff as soon as possible via email/text/phone. As well as not return until they no longer test positive.
  • Masks and gloves are optional, and will be made available to staff members if desired. Members will need to provide their own if desired.
  • All individuals will practice good general hygiene and cover mouth/nose when sneezing or coughing.